Upcoming Events
1st Sunday, Clothed Model
Each month's 1st Sunday figure session is our designated Clothed model session, allowing younger artists access to live models to gain more skill. Open to teens 12+ as well as adults.
Figure Drawing
Sundays 10am - 1pm & Thursdays 9am - noon
There are now two figure sessions per week for drawing from a live model. These are 3-hour, non-instructional figure drawing sessions. Work on your figure-drawing skills at your own self-directed pace!
Sketches by Christopher Heron
Oak Park Art League presents new group exhibit ‘UnderConstruction’, Wednesday Journal
Review: Abandoned Spaces Come to Life at the Oak Park Art League
News: Oak Park Art League receives pandemic relief grant from Landmarks Illinois
Review: The Oak Park Art League’s New Exhibit Is All About Entanglements Pioneer Press