Filtering by: “2025”
TAKE PRIDE: Hair & Fiber
to Jul 6

TAKE PRIDE: Hair & Fiber

Explorations of how fiber can be used to reflect the interweaving of community while still representing artifice, facade, pride, protection or disguise are all welcome interpretations and valid explorations during Pride month. All media welcome, made of or depicting hair.

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FASHION: Artist Member Show
to Oct 5

FASHION: Artist Member Show

During OPAL’s Fall Fundraiser, the work by current OPAL members on the gallery walls will create a rich backdrop of creative expression, epitomizing OPAL’s mission and reflecting our unique artistic community. Artists will interpret the multiple meanings of the word ‘fashion’ - the concept of fashion, the verb to fashion, to create in your own unique style an artwork that can only be made by you and is immediately recognizable as your work.

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Holiday Bazaar & Legacy Show
to Jan 4

Holiday Bazaar & Legacy Show

This is a group show scheduled alongside talks and professional development workshops for living artists to consider and plan their artistic legacy.
Artists and collectors also experience a pop-up Holiday Bazaar with guest vendors and month-long artists exhibiting works priced for giving.

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The Cabinet of Secret Art
to Mar 9

The Cabinet of Secret Art

The show is and open call and is not judged. It is structured to provide a safe, anonymous environment to explore “secret paintings” within a supportive and curious community.
The works will be revealed along with an anonymous reading of their stories and hung during a live performance in front of an audience.

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