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Mi·cro·cosm: Group Micro Art Gallery Exhibit

  • Oak Park Art League 720 W. Chicago Ave. Oak Park IL. 60302 US (map)

How small can you work and still maintain your style?  Find out!  This open call will feature a group of artists, and each artist will have a solo show, but there’s a catch! Each solo show will be displayed in a box gallery that is 12” x 12” x 12”, or 12” x 16” x12”.  It’s the same scale as the famed Thorne Rooms: 1:12, or, 1 inch in the micro gallery is equal to 1 foot in the regular world.

Each artist is challenged to create a solo show of work, each piece MUST be 4” or smaller.

All art forms are welcome, must be family friendly. 

In addition to a solo show in the box gallery, each artist will also have one full size piece on the wall of the gallery, that piece should not exceed 16” x 20”, not including the frame.

*Please read the Exhibition Guidelines. Entry into the exhibition and payment of the hanging fee constitute your acknowledgment that you have read and understood the guidelines for exhibitions in OPAL’s Carriage House Gallery.

This is an Open Call but work will be admitted based on adherence to the exhibit criteria.

● All work must have been completed within the past 3 years and not previously exhibited at OPAL.

● Deliver accepted artwork to the Gallery on the drop-off dates below. All media/mediums accepted except for AI-generated work.

● Each piece in the proposed show MUST be 4” or smaller

● All work MUST be ready to hang in 12” x 12” x 12” micro gallery

Important Dates

Open for Submissions - March 15
Deadline for Submissions - April 27, midnight

Drop off work: May 3 & 4

Exhibition dates: May 9 - June 8

Please note ~ Opening reception:
Saturday, May 10, 1pm - 4pm

Pick up work:  June 7 & 8

April 11

EXPO + OPAL Members Show

June 13

TAKE PRIDE: Hair & Fiber