Filtering by: “2020”

Holiday 100
to Dec 31

Holiday 100

As one of several countdown events to the Oak Park Art League’s 2021 Centennial, Holiday 100 is both an art sale and fundraiser, designed to benefit community artists, art patrons and OPAL.

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Art for Social Change: DISSENT
to Oct 30

Art for Social Change: DISSENT

To speak abstractly about the meaning of dissent, social change or even art seems a hollow discussion without addressing current events that are happening in America today. On May 25th, 2020, George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis by a policeman kneeling on his neck. Despite pleadings from Mr Floyd that he couldn't breathe and onlookers that the officer should stop, despite being filmed, the attack went on for over eight minutes. Sadly, this was not new or isolated. In fact the pleas of not being able to breathe eerily echoed those of Eric Garner's last words. But this act has resonated across America and the world in no small part because it occurred in full knowledge of being filmed, illustrating for all that in America, in 2020, Black people could be killed with the same impunity illustrated in the photographed lynchings from the last century.

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Under the Influence
to Oct 1

Under the Influence

In our hyper-connected, contemporary society the term “under the influence” is often associated with notions of illicit drug use or the effects of excessive alcohol consumption. But every one of us is under the influence of something - our past, our family, the political climate, social media, peer groups, other artists and more. Whether good or bad, by choice or unconsciously drawn, influences and influencers change our behavior, beliefs, thinking, values and culture. Artists are the mirrors of culture, so what influences you?

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Tremendously Diminutive
to Aug 29

Tremendously Diminutive

Tremendously Diminutive is an open call exhibition that celebrates the innovation and ingenuity of artists who create bold artwork on a small scale, in a broad range of media and styles. The Oak Park Art League invites artists of all disciplines to submit work in any medium that celebrates artistic creativity on a petite scale.

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to Apr 30


Entanglements is an open call exhibition that explores and celebrates the abstract nature of artistic inquiry. Opening reception: Friday, March 13th, 7pm - 9pm.

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