Closing The Cabinet of Secret Art

The Cabinet of Secret ART with Betsy Zacsek, reveals artworks from artists’ personal collections: or rather works made by artists for themselves.  It features works that tell a secret story, works made from an emotional place, works that reveal too much vulnerability to ever be shared with the public, displayed in a conventional gallery setting, or subjected to critique.  This is a rare opportunity to examine artists’ personal creative practices through dialog and revelation and to confront otherwise forbidden works. What do Makers hide and what becomes part of public discourse?  What makes a piece appropriate for sharing? How do we want to be viewed by our art world colleagues and why do certain pieces not fit into this standard, when they’re still quite important to the Maker?

The show is structured to provide a safe, anonymous environment to explore “secret paintings” within a supportive and curious community. The works will be revealed along with an anonymous reading of their stories and hung during a live performance in front of an audience.

CLOSING Performance - Saturday, March 8th, 2025, 1:30pm
The Cabinet of Secret Art will be closing and the contents will be exhibited by artist Betsy Zacsek one last time at the closing of the show starting at 1:30 pm.
Seating is limited, ticketing/RSVP this performance through Eventbrite with a suggested donation of $10./person.


Storytelling Event

