Learn how to ‘paint with a pencil’ from a master! Spend a few hours learning the tips and tricks of how to use a simple art tool to create a complex and detailed drawing.
Instructor: Phil Schorn
Capacity: 10 students
Registration and Fees
Become a member of the Oak Park Art League and save on class registration.
Members: $65.00; after 7/22/2021: $75.00
Non-Members: $85.00; after 7/22/2021 $95.00
Registration Required.
Registration Code of Conduct Policy
Set of 24 colored pencils. - set of PrismaColor softcore - not a student version
A manual pencil sharpener.
Phil will bring reference images for you to practice with.
Phil will have paper to work with, so unless you already have something you would like to work with, there is no need to purchase any ahead of time.