2020-21 OPAL Covid-19 Guidelines


●  A mask should be worn at all times while visiting our galleries and classrooms.

●  Hand sanitizer is provided both in the gallery and in the second floor classroom for your use.

  • Students & Teachers

  • ●  Students & teachers are expected to wear a mask at all times when in the classroom.

  • ●  Due to limited space in our facility, parents & guardians are asked to drop off and pick up their children outside of OPAL’s front door where they will be greeted by an OPAL staff member and directed to the classroom.

  • ●  Students and teachers are expected to keep socially distant during class.

  • ●  Teachers will turn on the ventilation system and open windows & doors when the weather allows for increased air circulation.

  • ●  If you, the student, are experiencing ANY symptoms of Covid-19 or are sick in ANY way, we ask that you stay at home and do not come to class.

  • ●  OPAL staff may ask to take your temperature upon entering the building and can refuse entry if you or your child’s temperature is above 100.4 degrees.

  • ●  There is a maximum number of 6 students and 1 teacher permitted in the classroom. Designated spots are marked on the floor for students and teachers. When entering the classroom, please keep your personal belongings at your table or chair. Coats should be hung on the coat rack in the hallway, not brought into the classroom.

  • ●  Please do not bring food into the classroom - personal water bottles are permitted.

  • ●  At the end of each class, students and teachers are expected to spray their chair and work surface (tables and benches) with the provided disinfectant and paper towels before putting them away.

OPAL Staff

  • ●  OPAL staff will wipe down all frequently touched surfaces such as door knobs, light switches and hand rails during the day.

  • ●  OPAL staff may refuse entry to any person that is showing signs of illness, including, but not limited to: High temperature, vomiting, congestion, runny nose, coughing, chills, headache, rash.

  • ●  If you or someone in your immediate household contracts Covid-19, we ask that you contact OPAL’s Executive Director immediately and not return to class until 14 days after the onset of symptoms.